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A Manual For Survival de Kate Brown

Descripción - Críticas A magisterial blend of historical research, investigative journalism and poetic reportage, Kate Brown sets out to uncover Chernobyl's true medical and environmental effects . . . an awe-inspiring journey. (The Economist)This thrilling, frightening book tells the truth about the Chernobyl disaster . . . the most brilliant and essential book on Chernobyl since that of Nobel Prize winner Svetlana Alexievich. (The Irish Times)An astonishing unconventional history. (The Times)Brown's page-turner skilfully weaves an original narrative on the long-term medical effects of the Chernobyl disaster... Her capacity to immerse herself and pick up on nuances brings these stories from factory workers, technicians, doctors and villagers alive. (Nature)Exemplary ... Brown is an indomitable researcher (Luke Harding Observer)Full of passion . . . [an] admirable uncovering of the hidden story behind Chernobyl. (The Guardian)Vital work, making a convincing case for the catastrophic long-term medical and ecological effects of the disaster (Tobie Mathew Literary Review)A troubling book, passionately written and deeply researched ... the book moves from science to thriller and realm of conspiracy... there is no doubt about Brown's gift for vivid narrative. Her conclusion is chilling. (The Sunday Times)A humane book about the irreversible things a technological disaster does to people and landscapes. (Owen Hatherley, New Statesman, 'Best Books of 2019')A magnificent monograph that stands out among the multiple books on Chernobyl simply because it tells us the truth - the whole unadulterated truth - about one of the worst disasters in history. As such, it may itself be regarded as a survival manual of sorts. And a guide to the future, too. (Engineering and Technology) Reseña del editor 'Remarkable . . . grips with the force of a thriller' Robert MacFarlaneAn astonishing exposé of the aftermath of Chernobyl - and the plot to cover up the truthThe official death toll of the 1986 Chernobyl accident, 'the worst nuclear disaster in history', is only 54, and stories today commonly suggest that nature is thriving there. Yet award-winning historian Kate Brown uncovers a much more disturbing story, one in which radioactive isotopes caused hundreds of thousands of casualties, and the magnitude of this human and ecological catastrophe has been actively suppressed.Based on a decade of archival and on-the-ground research, Manual for Survival is a gripping account of the consequences of nuclear radiation in the wake of Chernobyl - and the plot to cover it up. As Brown discovers, Soviet scientists, bureaucrats, and civilians documented staggering increases in cases of birth defects, child mortality, cancers and a multitude of life-altering diseases years after the disaster. Worried that this evidence would blow the lid on the effects of massive radiation release from weapons-testing during the Cold War, scientists and diplomats from international organizations, including the UN, tried to bury or discredit it. Yet Brown also encounters many everyday heroes, often women, who fought to bring attention to the ballooning health catastrophe, and adapt to life in a post-nuclear landscape, where dangerously radioactive radioactive berries, distorted trees and birth defects still persist today.An astonishing historical detective story, Manual for Survival makes clear the irreversible impact of nuclear energy on every living thing, not just from Chernobyl, but from eight decades of radiaoactive fallout from weapons development. Biografía del autor Kate Brown is the author of A Biography of No Place, which won the George Louis Beer Prize from the American Historical Association for the best book in International History, and Plutopia, which won seven awards, including the Dunning and Beveridge prizes from the American Historical Association for the best book in American history. She is the first historian of the Soviet Union to be nominated to the honorary Society of American Historians, and her research has been funded by the American Academy in Berlin and by Carnegie and Guggenheim fellowships. She teaches environmental and nuclear history at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Baltimore County, and lives in Washington, DC.

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Detalles del Libro

  • Name: A Manual For Survival
  • Autor: Kate Brown
  • Categoria: Libros,Libros universitarios y de estudios superiores,Medicina y ciencias de la salud
  • Tamaño del archivo: 11 MB
  • Tipos de archivo: PDF Document
  • Idioma: Español
  • Archivos de estado: AVAILABLE

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