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Lee un libro Quantum Computing: An Applied Approach de Jack D. Hidary Ebooks, PDF, ePub

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Quantum Computing: An Applied Approach de Jack D. Hidary

Descripción - Reseña del editor This book integrates the foundations of quantum computing with a hands-on coding approach to this emerging field; it is the first work to bring these strands together in an updated manner. This work is suitable for both academic coursework and corporate technical training.This volume comprises three books under one cover: Part I outlines the necessary foundations of quantum computing and quantum circuits. Part II walks through the canon of quantum computing algorithms and provides code on a range of quantum computing methods in current use. Part III covers the mathematical toolkit required to master quantum computing. Additional resources include a table of operators and circuit elements and a companion GitHub site providing code and updates.Jack D. Hidary is a research scientist in quantum computing and in AI at Alphabet X, formerly Google X.“Quantum Computing will change our world in unexpected ways. Everything technology leaders, engineers and graduate students need is in this book including the methods and hands-on code to program on this novel platform.”?Eric Schmidt, PhD, Former Chairman and CEO of Google; Founder, Innovation Endeavors Contraportada This book integrates the foundations of quantum computing with a hands-on coding approach to this emerging field; it is the first work to bring these strands together in an updated manner. This work is suitable for both academic coursework and corporate technical training.This volume comprises three books under one cover: Part I outlines the necessary foundations of quantum computing and quantum circuits. Part II walks through the canon of quantum computing algorithms and provides code on a range of quantum computing methods in current use. Part III covers the mathematical toolkit required to master quantum computing. Additional resources include a table of operators and circuit elements and a companion GitHub site providing code and updates.Jack D. Hidary is a research scientist in quantum computing and in AI at Alphabet X, formerly Google X.“Quantum Computing will change our world in unexpected ways. Everything technology leaders, engineers and graduate students need is in this book including the methods and hands-on code to program on this novel platform.”?Eric Schmidt, PhD, Former Chairman and CEO of Google; Founder, Innovation Endeavors Biografía del autor Jack D. Hidary focuses on AI and on quantum computing at Alphabet X, formerly Google X. He and his group develop and research algorithms for NISQ-regime quantum processors as well as create new software libraries for quantum computing.  In the  AI field, Jack and his  group focus on fundamental research such as the generalization of deep networks as well as applied AI technologies.

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Detalles del Libro

  • Name: Quantum Computing: An Applied Approach
  • Autor: Jack D. Hidary
  • Categoria: Libros,Ciencias, tecnología y medicina,Física
  • Tamaño del archivo: 7 MB
  • Tipos de archivo: PDF Document
  • Idioma: Español
  • Archivos de estado: AVAILABLE

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