Descargar Gratis The Theory of Multidimensional Reality (English Edition) de Douglas B. Vogt PDF [ePub Mobi] Gratis
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The Theory of Multidimensional Reality (English Edition) de Douglas B. Vogt
Descripción - “The Theory of Multidimensional Reality” is the latest development of this information theory of existence by the Author. The book applies the theory to explain what causes light, gravity, time, Planck’s constant, and other phenomena found in physics. The Theory provides a foundation philosophy for all of science to explain some of the hardest phenomenon found. The Theory of Multidimensional Reality is the world’s first purely information theory of existence. It states that matter is not the dominant thing in our Universe, but rather the information that creates our matter world. This book is the culmination of 40 years of study resulting in logical explanations for the hardest phenomena known. The author first presented the theory in his first book, Reality Revealed, the Theory of Multidimensional Reality in 1977. He further refined the theory in two successive books. The last book being God’s Day of Judgment, the Real Cause of Global Warming. That book used the theory to explain what causes the geomagnetic reversals and why they precede the Ice Ages. Also in that book he proves the exact number of years between reversals and that a clock cycle in the Universe causes the reversals. In this book, the author dedicates the book to applying the theory to explain all the hard phenomena, such as: What is light, time, gravity, it redefines the dimensions, the energy output of Quasars, how the atom is created in this dimension, and many others. The author calls this information theory of existence a foundation philosophy that all other sciences will build upon and will replace the matter-oriented theory of existence currently taught.
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Detalles del Libro
- Name: The Theory of Multidimensional Reality (English Edition)
- Autor: Douglas B. Vogt
- Categoria: Tienda Kindle,eBooks Kindle,eBooks en idiomas extranjeros
- Tamaño del archivo: 8 MB
- Tipos de archivo: PDF Document
- Idioma: Español
- Archivos de estado: AVAILABLE
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